Eastern White Pine

Forests of eastern white pine once covered much of New England and the Mid-Atlantic region, including the area that is now New York City. Because the eastern white pine grows tall and straight, it was traditionally used for ship masts. Almost all parts of the white pine, including needles, bark, resin, and wood, were used by Native Americans and continue to be used today in a multitude of ways. While white pines were not noted to have been present at the time of Central Park's construction, they were among the first conifers planted for the new Park. There are over 400 mature white pines currently in Central Park.
4 inch needles, five needles per bundle, saw-like edge, two stomatal lines (pores for gas exchange) on underside -
6-8 inches long, light brown cones -
Monoecious (male and female organs), not ornamentally important -
Gray to gray-green, smooth when young, furrowed to scaly when old